What We Are Doing

Meet and Greet with Hands and Voices

Meet and Greet with Hands and Voices

Join us for a social meet and greet at Canyon Creek Park with Hands and Voices and Aerial Equanimity! There will be aerial demos and workshops, along with other circus activities. Come out, try some new skills, and make some new friends!

This event has been postponed.

Keep an eye out for the rescheduled event with our friends at Hands and Voices!

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Upcoming Events in August!

Upcoming Events in August!

Upcoming events include:

Thursday, July 20, 2023 — Day Camp in partnership with Skiing is Believing

Mon-Fri, July 24-28, 2023 — Day Camp Series in partnership with Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows

Thursday, August 10, 2023 — Workshop in the Park in partnership with Skiing is Believing

Thursday, July 20, 2023 — Meet and Greet Social in partnership with Hands and Voices

Friendly reminder that July 30th will be our final day of classes for the season. Make sure to swing by if you want to take a class!

Join our mailing list here to stay in the loop.

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Last day of Summer Classes!

Last day of Summer Classes!

Today is officially the final day of classes at our Mira Loma location. Thanks to everyone who came out for our final few classes of the Summer!

Moving forward you can expect to see us all over town at local events and partnering with other local organizations to bring aerial arts, mindful movement, and social and emotional learning to Reno youths!

Remember to join our mailing list if you want to stay in the loop about upcoming events and future plans for public class offerings!

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June Schedule Changes

June Schedule Changes

Below is our anticipated schedule for the month of June! You will notice that it is a combination of our old schedule prior to the 15th, and the new and reduced schedule after the 15th.

PRE-JUNE 15th:

Now until June 15th


June 15th onward

We have a summer full of fun events planned!

Adjustments have been made to the pricing options to account for this upcoming change — class access will be by drop-in only effective May 1st (today!) If you have an existing package or punchcard you will be able to use those credits until they expire.

Stay tuned for more information about our Summer plans and our new programs!

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Seasonal Operations

Seasonal Operations

Find us outdoors at City of Reno events!

We are excited to announce that Aerial Equanimity will be making the transition from perpetual studio operations to seasonal programming for our youth students. Keep an eye out for the following post about our anticipated schedule for the remainder of the year! We’ve created a brief FAQ based on the conversations we’ve had with some of you all so far:

What does ‘seasonal operations” mean?

We will be creating self-contained programs which are weeks to months in length tailored to specific age, level, and skills-goals. This change will allow us to better focus on student outcomes and pursuing our charitable mission.

When does the season start?

We plan to have three seasons in the year — Fall, Spring, and Winter. We will be beginning with the ‘third’ season of 2023 this Fall. Date: TBD.

How do I sign up for the season?

First, make sure you are on our mailing list! That way you will be notified when sign-ups open for each season. Sign-ups will occur via Mindbody, so feel free to get your account set-up ahead of time.

I still have an existing package, punchcard, or membership. What happens to my credits?

Please do your best to get your classes in if you have a payment option that expires after June 15th. Between June 15th and July 15th, all holders of unexpired and unredeemed credits may request a prorated refund.

Can I still purchase class credits?

Yes. Drop-ins are purchasable for all classes, and the schedule is unchanged until June 15th!

So there won’t be any classes available?

Not quite. After June 15th, we still plan to hold teen and adult classes on Sundays at the studio, and private or semi-private lessons can still be booked. We are also working on being able to host day-camps, birthday parties, and corporate team-building events!

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The time is nearly here. In only a few short days we will be at The Theatre for our annual Show and Fundraiser.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Showcase calltime is 2:30p at The Theatre (505 Keystone Ave.) — This is when you should be in the building with your student!

  • There will be no hair and makeup service at the venue — this means come with your show make-up on, or come early with your student to do their own make-up. (Makeup is not required!)

  • No outside food or drink are allowed in the front door — concessions will be available

  • There will be a silent auction at the event! Come ready to bid on some great items from our community partners and supporters.

That is all for now! We look forward to seeing you all at The Theatre!

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Additional Rehearsal Scheduling and Silent Auction Info

Additional Rehearsal Scheduling and Silent Auction Info

Silent Auction

Silent auction donations are due this week! We have a great variety of items and services pledged for the silent auction fundraiser, but need a few more. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this effort.


Some of you have not been attending very many rehearsal;s! This is your reminder that at least eight rehearsal attendances are required for a student to participate in the student showcase. This is for safety and quality of experience reasons and exceptions will not be made.

If you cannot make it to enough group rehearsals prior to the showcase, then you must schedule private rehearsal time with your coach!

Remember, group classes are not rehearsals and rehearsals are not lessons! This means new skills will not be taught at rehearsals, and performance prep time will not be provided during group lessons. This is done to preserve the experience for all students, not just those participating in the upcoming showcase.

That’s all for now!

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Show and Fundraiser Rehearsal Schedule

Show and Fundraiser Rehearsal Schedule

Below is the rehearsal schedule for the upcoming student showcase! Please note that students must attend at least 8/12 scheduled rehearsals in order to participate in the showcase. There are a lot of you signed up to perform, so please arrive prepared to practice!

Sunday, January: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Sunday, February: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th - final choreos due

Sunday, March: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th - final costuming due

Sunday, April: 2nd*, 9th*, 16th**

*Dress Rehearsal

**Full run of show

We look forward to seeing you all at rehearsals, that’s all for now!

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Upcoming Changes and Announcements!

Upcoming Changes and Announcements!


We are having a blast working on rehearsals for the upcoming fundraiser and student showcase on April 23rd, 2023.

A friendly reminder to parents of our youth performers, there are now only 9 rehearsal opportunities remaining until the showcase. Make sure to plan accordingly!


As we continue into 2023 here are some adjustments to operations that will take effect March 1st, 2023.

  1. The free first class promotion will be ending! Make sure to get your friends and family in for their free class before the end of the month!

  2. A different new-student promotion is in the works, stay tuned!

  3. For the first hour of community open gym, three points will be reserved for student showcase rehearsals. This will be the case until the showcase on April 23rd. The remaining three points will be available for open gym use.

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Schedule Adjustments for February

Schedule Adjustments for February

We are making a couple of adjustments to the weekly schedule for February. Straps is moving from Fridays at 4p to Sundays at 3:30p and Lyra II is moving from Fridays at 5:30p to Sundays at 1p. This schedule change takes effect on the 1st of February, meaning there are no classes on Friday the 3rd. The new classes begin on Sunday the 5th. Flexibility on Fridays at 5:30 is also being moved, though when it will be moved to is TBD.

New schedule effective Feb. 1, 2023

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New Schedule Coming in January!

New Schedule Coming in January!

The title says it all! Below is our new schedule for Spring 2023. Of course some classes may be subject to change as the season progresses, but this is our starting point!

Make sure to check out the previous post for information on using the new scheduling system!

This schedule will go into effect on January 1, 2023. Please note that Sunday classes have been cancelled on January 1 and January 8!

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2023 Patch Notes (Part II): Welcome to Mindbody!

2023 Patch Notes (Part II): Welcome to Mindbody!

EDIT: For updated instructions on account set-up, see the Scheduling Page.

We are now using Mindbody for all scheduling! Please bid Acuity farewell, and follow the instructions below to make your new account:

  1. Use the “My Account” button in the top-right of the embedded app above to make your new account! *

  2. If you have an existing credits, don’t worry! Your new account will be manually credited after it is created, and the expiration on your credits will be reset. ***Parents who this applies to, see the edit below***

  3. Creating an account is required for participation.

  4. Parents/guardians responsible for students under 18 y.o. please follow the steps below to create a family account.

    Parents of students under 18:

  • Make an account as yourself first. *

  • Go to the Mindbody account management page and sign in.

  • Go to “Account Info” and use the “Add family” button to create a profile for each student you will be responsible for.

When signing up for classes or purchasing class credits (on our scheduling page or online via Mindbody or with the Mindbody mobile app,) make sure to use the “Switch Account” button at check-out to select the profile of the student who will be attending

You will have to repeat check-out and this step for each student you wish to enroll.

  • EDIT: In order for us to add existing credits to a student’s profile on your account, you need to sign your student(s) up for a class [Open Gym has a free option, also the new free first class promotion is available to everyone (happy holidays!)]

    • This creates their profile on our end of Mindbody, and allows your student to be assigned memberships/packages and to be signed into classes as themselves.

* Have you used Mindbody before and already have a client account? Just log in and search for Aerial Equanimity!

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Teacher Spotlight: Lacey Costanza

Teacher Spotlight: Lacey Costanza

Meet the latest in our growing team of aerial instructors, demonstrating remarkable dedication to ongoing training and artistic development as a circus professional—Lacey Costanza!

After happening upon a video of a women defying gravity on long pieces of fabric and a fair few google searches later, Lacey began taking aerial silks classes as a high school freshman in 2013. She has since then performed for various community events and shows, and her current goals are to become a part of larger theater productions both as a performer and creative director. Throughout the years silks has remained her one true love, but she enjoys playing on all apparatuses and being in the air in general.

In the summer of 2022, Lacey completed the Aerial Silks teacher training with Paperdoll Militia to expand her tool belt as an instructor. While she is now a certified coach, she is also forever a student, in constant pursuit of growth. Her favorite part about coaching is watching her students get that “ah-ha” moment when things start to click and the magic begins.

Lacey is our favorite type of instructor—a student first, who has the personal impetus to become a better aerialist for herself and for her students. She is dedicated not only to the art, but also to hard and often thankless work that it takes to make an artistic vision a reality. We cannot wait to see what Lacey creates next!

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2023 Patch Notes (Part 1): A few changes

2023 Patch Notes (Part 1): A few changes

As we prepare to enter our third calendar year of operations, we are taking a moment to evaluate our systems and to make adjustments in order to streamline the experience of our students. Here are the changes going into effect today:

  1. Class Packs— Class packs are replacing the old “packages”. They are effectively the same, however class packs are assigned a monetary value rather than a number of minutes. This will allow packs to be used on classes of different cost (i.e. Flexibility class,) and will hopefully make it easier to understand the pricing system. Expiration dates remain in place at 35 days for these packs.

  2. Memberships—Memberships are making a return. For those looking to make a substantial contribution to Aerial Equanimity on a monthly basis and/or to attend classes on a regular basis without worrying about packages and fees, the membership is an option which gives students this ability. Memberships have a 30 day expiration.

  3. Flexibility Class—is now $10 per student (was $20). This can be deducted from any class pack EXCEPT Kids Packs and Kids Memberships.

  4. Open Gym—recommended donation has changed to $5 (was $10.)

That is all for now! Stay tuned for more exciting changes as we approach the new year.

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Fall is Here!

Fall is Here!

As we are embracing the Fall weather with cool breezes (and perhaps some pumpkin spice), Aerial Equanimity was also enjoying some wind through our hair at the Fall Harvest Festival that was held at Bartley Ranch in Reno, Nevada.

We have had many opportunities open our organization up to the community and to share the joys of aerial arts with new friends! With the addition of more lyra and fabrics being added to our inventory, we have also been able to expand the number of individuals able to participate in classes and events.

This has given our instructors the opportunity to guide participants through some of the basic skills of aerial arts while answering any questions for individuals interested in pursuing a new way to positively impact their personal well-being (both physically and emotionally). By increasing an awareness of the aerial arts scholarships and the mentorship opportunities coming to Aerial Equanimity, we hope to provide a larger foundation for our different programs in Reno.

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Dance Classes are Back!

Dance Classes are Back!

Ready to take to the dance floor once again? Join us Sundays 4-5:15pm for Dance Foundations/Floorwork with Mickayla Clune! This new offering is a fantastic supplement to any aerial training regiment geared toward performance-readiness.

Now you can be the uncommon aerialist who can move like a dancer! This teens/adult all levels class lays the foundations for creating traditional dance lines. Core focuses include proper hip/knee/foot alignment, arm movements, and core strength.

There is a dance inside of everyone, come let your dancer out today!

$20 drop-in or 1 class on a regular package. Schedule at aereno.org/classes.

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MODIFIED Schedule for September

MODIFIED Schedule for September

We’re adding new classes! Check below to see the new offerings. The only “change” that is not an addition is that Friday morning Lyra has been moved to Sunday at noon.

Our new Sunday classes are being introduced to accommodate our adult students schedules.

Things are picking up as the school year gets into full swing. Make sure to sign up for your classes ahead of time to guarantee your seat in class!

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Summer Showcase 2022 was a BLAST!

Summer Showcase 2022 was a BLAST!

Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, and supporters who came out to see our 2022 Summer Showcase performances. We succeeded in our goal of raising enough money to rent out The Theatre for our upcoming Winter Show!

This means your kids will have the opportunity come January to perform under the bright lights on the same stage where their instructors have performed professionally!

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Weekly Schedule for August

Weekly Schedule for August

Hi folks! Here is the weekly schedule for August. Please note that Straps class has been moved from 4p on Thursdays to 4p on Fridays.

IMPORTANT: Check the online schedule or the Acuity app for up-to-date information on scheduling, closures, etc.

Also, our Summer Showcase is coming up! Come to the studio (inside TNT&PDC) at 7-8:30p and see performances by students and instructors! There will also be a raffle and silent auction to raise funds for our Winter Showcase to be held at The Theatre. Entry is donation-based, and raffle tickets will be available based on the entry donation made. More info to come, but that is all for now!

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Teacher Spotlight (Part 2/2)

Teacher Spotlight (Part 2/2)

Next up on our Teacher Spotlight is yet another rising star of Aerial Equanimity: Makayla “Mak” Jones.

Mak was first exposed to aerial arts as a teenager where she saw aerialists accompanying a musical performance. It immediately became her goal to be a performer like those aerialists she saw that day. Mak started silks in 2020, but was waylaid by the Covid pandemic until she started training at Aerial Equanimity a year later. She now has a full year of consistent practice under her belt, and is looking to diversify her skills into lyra and hammock.

Mak performing at the 2022 Summer Showcase

Her personal practice is defined by self-motivation and empowerment, making her a perfect fit for our youngest aerialists as they explore what it means to train and realize their potential. Maks skills and knowlege have grown exponentially from when she first discovered aerial arts—but her goal remains the same: she dreams of one day being part of a circus troupe performing in professional shows.

We are super excited to have Mak teaching one of our Kids Aerial Foundations Classes on Wednesdays 4-4:45p.

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Teacher Spotlight (Part 1/2)

Teacher Spotlight (Part 1/2)

Welcome to a new batch of teacher spotlights! Today we are highlighting our new workhorse: Randall Krause.

Randall is a serious and committed athlete currently grinding toward professional competence in his chosen apparatus. His dedication to process, detail, and having correct descriptions makes Randall a unique asset to Aerial Equanimity. His consistency and attentiveness to the minute detail of skills is reflected in his students and his own training. Expect to see him blowing minds with his straps performances in the future!

Randall’s first experience with aerial arts was a silks class at the Generator at the recommendation of a climbing buddy. In his own words, he felt out of his element, but for whatever reason he kept coming back. His favorite apparatus is straps due to the limitless strength challenge. His practice is a balance of performance training and pursuing personal skills goals. His training regiment is rigorous and consistent, and his current goal is to be capable of expressing himself in-apparatus without hitting physical limitations and to develop into a professional performer who can choose his gigs.

We are hyped to have Randall on the team teaching our new Straps Foundations Classes on Fridays 4-5:15p.

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June Schedule, Additional Youth Class Option, Return of Open Gym!

June Schedule, Additional Youth Class Option, Return of Open Gym!

Check out our July Schedule! (Above)

You will notice Community Open Gym is back by popular demand. It occurs every Friday at 7p Sunday at 5pm at the studio!

Additionally, there is a new Youth Silks offering on Wednesdays at 4p! This class takes place on the main studio floor (“The Swamp”) and runs parallel with Kids Aerial Foundations which will take place upstairs in “The Pit”.

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New Schedule: More Teachers and More Classes!

New Schedule: More Teachers and More Classes!

Check it out! This is our new schedule effective May 1st!

As you can see from the schedule above, we are added additional classes to accomodate our growing student-body! Please take a moment to peruse the new schedule and see what new additions you can attend.

Remember there is always the option to schedule private lessons if there is a specific time, skill, or apparatus you want to train in!

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Summer 2022: Jam-packed with Aerials
to May 15

Summer 2022: Jam-packed with Aerials

The Summer Schedule is coming together, and its jam-packed with awesome events and opportunities to come learn what Aerial Equanimity is all about! More information about each it these events will follow as they come around, but for now here is a taste of what we have in store!

Friday May 20th, 9a-12p Aerial Equanimity will be facilitating demos in aerial arts at the McQueen High School Wellness and Awareness Fair.

Sunday May 22nd , TBD Aerial Equanimity is hosting aerial silks and hoop workshops taught by the exceptional Mykelle Walton.

Monday June 13th, 9a-1p Aerial Equanimity will be at the Boys and Girls Club Summer Camp facilitating demonstrations in aerial arts and possibly offering hands-on experience for youths and young adults.

Sunday June 26th, 5p-9p Tentative Date for the Aerial Equanimity Student Showcase!

Thursday June 16th, 4p-7p and Thursday September 1st, 4p-7p Aerial Equanimity will be at the Riverside Farmers Market facilitating demonstrations in aerial arts and possibly offering hands-on experience for youths and young adults.

Sat/Sun July 9th/10th, TBD Aerial Equanimity will be at the Reno Chalk Festival facilitating demonstrations in aerial arts and possibly offering hands-on experience for youths and young adults.

Thursday-Sunday August 11-14th, TBD Aerial Equanimity will be at Hot August Nights facilitating demonstrations in aerial arts and possibly offering hands-on experience for youths and young adults.

Stay tuned for more information about these awesome events! Dates and times may change as the events approach!

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Alert: Flexibility with Mario Valentino!

Alert: Flexibility with Mario Valentino!

It’s happening! Mario Valentino is back in town! Don’t miss the chance to train with this legendary flexibility coach. (Fridays at 4p-5p, $20 drop-in)

This is not a drill! Mario will be taking over IP/F/C starting this Friday, March 11th and will continue to teach flexibility during this timeslot until further notice. Note: there will be weeks when Mario is unavailable and in this case normal IP/F/C takes place on Fridays. Remember to check the schedule regularly.

IMPORTANT: When Mario is teaching Flexibility, the class is not included free in member packages. Drop-in is $20, or you can apply your minutes to this class like any regular aerial class.

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“Wow! Words cannot express how incredibly happy and honored we are to know such great and fantastic people such as yourselves. You made my kids—you made all kids—feel very special! A huge shout out to [Aerial Equanimity], thank you and god bless you and congratulations. You did a fantastic job with everything, my kids came home so happy. They felt like stars. Thank you once again for everything you do!”

—Anita V (aerial grandma)